it is saturday night.....i am front of my computer..........just taking a moment out from reading a gosh i am a boring person.
i think back and wonder...........was i always this boring..........and i hear regina's voice in my head screaming,"YES!" i did have a life at one time. i know because i have a photo album hidden away from prying eyes that tell me so.
so now i have to put together the puzzle so i can find out when did this happen. hmm.....
5 childen...........exhausted by 4pm and counting down until bedtime, never getting invited over to friends house anymore, too much of a liability. noisy dinner with alot on whine. i never thought i would be one to want to drink at dinner time, but man.........
3 children..........exhausted by 6pm and counting down until bedtime, but still going out for friday night dates with hubby. yummy krispy creme runs, still able to afford Papa Murphy's pizza,
2 children............tired by 8 pm. went for bike rides everyday, still running races, getting together with friends alot. a four door car.
1 child.................up til 11 am or midnight. hung 0ut alot with friends, game nights, movie nights, bike riding, quiet dinners that were over too fast, living in the slums of spokane watching crack deals outside apt. window. always a good fight to listen to late into the night and the occational police escort out of apt due to hostage situations. good times.
No children............Date night whenever we felt like it, road trips,sleeping in on sundays reading the paper, showering every day. ( i never thought of that as a luxury. i should have) vaccuming the carpet and have the vaccum marks last all day. ( i dunno why it mattered but it did)
Single..............well we won't go there. that is why i have the photo album.
so there we have it. the puzzle has been put together and the mystery is solved. so how do i get back to having a life "with children" there has got to be a happy medium. i just need to find it.
As hard as these may be to swallow.....YOU HAVE IT RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE....5 little blessings that you will not have any of there antics tomorrow cause they will be gone never to have again. Daniel is a fast...the twins will be fast was that....Jakie flew by and not notices fast was that....your house will empty a lot longer than it was full....stop and smell the roses and tend the beautiful soon will be gone! Rememeber the talk about the counsel from your elders in conference....