Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bowl and Pitcher at Riverside State Park

My BFF wanted to get the kids together this friday so we desided to go on a hike. it was a beautiful day after a week of rotten weather. I have never been to Riverside State Park. My gosh it is beautiful. we only hiked for a few miles but i could easily spend all day there. i could never camp there though. campground is way too claustrophobic.

this is the famous Bowl and Pitcher
Look out over Bowl and Pitcher. you cannot tell but we are really high up.

Swinging Bridge. looks like fun......

Anna trying to give her mommy a heart attack!!

On swinging bridge. My bff is smirking so because unknown to me she is in on a big gag to get me out of the house to the rest of my buddies can t.p. it for my birthday. i will post more about that later.

My three stooges

Off we go onto places un-seen and adventures un-known.
We made it back with all the kids we left with. Some would call that a success. I say we just didn't try hard enough.

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